TOPS-20 Commands Reference Manual
Cancels requests made with a queue-class command.
@CANCEL (REQUEST TYPE) queue (ID) identifier/switch(es)
queue | is the name of the queue, chosen from the following list:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
/switch | is one or more of the following switches:
When you complete a CANCEL command removing a request, the system responds with "[1 Job Canceled]" and makes the appropriate deletion from the indicated queue. If the job is being processed, the response is "[1 Job Canceled (1 was in progress)]", but if the job is already finished, it is simply "[No Jobs Killed]".
Request ID or Jobname as Argument to CANCEL
You can cancel a single queue request (those made with Queue-class commands - MOUNT, PLOT, PRINT, PUNCH, RETRIEVE, or SUBMIT) by giving either its request ID number or its jobname as the second argument of a CANCEL command. This argument is interpreted as a request ID number unless it includes one or more non-numeric characters. If the argument includes non-numeric characters it is interpreted as a jobname. By giving a jobname as the second argument of a CANCEL command, you cancel all your requests of that jobname in the specified queue. But see also Special Cases - /JOBNAME Switch, below.
Special Cases
You can give the special switch, /SPOOLED-OUTPUT, after the CARDS, PAPER-TAPE, PLOT, or PRINT argument to the CANCEL command. By doing so you cause any accumulated requests in the spooler queue for the appropriate output device (CDP:, PTP:, PLT:, or LPT:, respectively) to be canceled, rather than filled when you log out. Do not give any further arguments to a "CANCEL queue /SPOOLED-OUTPUT" command.
If any spooled file print requests have been routed to a remote node, use the /DESTINATION-NODE switch to cancel them.
In the singular case when you want to cancel several queue requests of the same jobname using a single command, and that jobname is purely numerical (for example, 5045), you must use the /JOBNAME:jobname switch as the second argument to the CANCEL command. Do not also give the request ID or jobname as a command argument if you give the /JOBNAME:jobname switch.
Cannot Cancel Filled Tape-mount Requests
You cannot use the CANCEL command to withdraw a MOUNT TAPE request once the first volume of tape has been mounted (once you have received a message of the form, [setname defined as MTn:]). Use the DISMOUNT command to give up your tape resource in this case. Note that the DEASSIGN or LOGOUT command will also dismount the tape set.
Cannot Cancel Certain Archival Requests
You cannot use the CANCEL command to withdraw an archival request once the operator has initiated archival procedures. Thus, even though files remain on disk between the operator's first and second archive runs, you cannot cancel a request during this time. If you try to cancel a request after archiving has begun, you receive the error message:
?File has archive status: filename
Note that this error does not terminate a multifile CANCEL ARCHIVE command (for example, CANCEL ARCHIVE *.*); the TOPS-20 command processor continues processing each remaining filename in the request. Cancel requests for these remaining files are judged individually.
Related Commands
ARCHIVE | for requesting archival of a file |
INFORMATION ARCHIVE-STATUS | for finding out the archival status of files |
INFORMATION BATCH-REQUESTS | for examining requests in the batch input queue |
INFORMATION MOUNT-REQUESTS | for examining requests in the structure- and tape-mount queue |
INFORMATION OUTPUT-REQUESTS | for examining requests in the line printer, plotter, card punch, and paper tape punch queues |
INFORMATION RETRIEVAL-REQUESTS | for examining requests in the retrieval queue |
MODIFY | for changing requests without removing them |
MOUNT | for placing requests in the structure- or tape-mount queue |
PLOT | for placing requests in a plotter queue |
for placing requests in a line printer queue | |
PUNCH | for placing requests in the card- or paper-tape-punch queue |
RETRIEVE | for placing requests in the retrieval queue |
SUBMIT | for placing requests in the batch input queue |
- Cancel a specific print request.
@CANCEL PRINT REMAX [1 Job canceled]
- Cancel all your batch requests.
@CANCEL BATCH * [3 Jobs canceled]
- Find out what line printer requests you have made, then cancel one of
two jobs bearing the same jobname.
@INFORMATION OUTPUT-REQUESTS /USER Printer Queue: Job Name Req# Limit User -------- ---- ----- ------- MYCOPY 142 81 LATTA /Lower /After: 8-Nov-79 18:00 MYCOPY 143 81 LATTA /After: 8-Nov-79 18:00 MYCOPY 144 81 LATTA /After: 8-Nov-79 18:00 HOLMAX 141 200 LATTA /After: 8-Nov-79 17:00 HOLMAX 140 200 LATTA /After: 8-Nov-79 18:00 There are 5 Jobs in the Queue (None in Progress) @CANCEL PRINT 141 [1 Job Canceled]
- Get a list of your printing jobs (and some of the switches you gave),
then cancel three of them.
@INFORMATION OUTPUT-REQUESTS /ALL/USER Printer Queue: Job Name Req# Limit User -------- ---- ----- ------- MYCOPY 142 81 LATTA /Lower /After: 8-Nov-79 18:00 /Prio:20 /Seq:1728 MYCOPY 143 81 LATTA /After: 8-Nov-79 18:00 /Seq:1729 MYCOPY 144 81 LATTA /After: 8-Nov-79 18:00 /Seq:1730 HOLMAX 140 200 LATTA /After: 8-Nov-79 18:00 /Seq:1726 There are 4 Jobs in the Queue (None in Progress) @CANCEL PRINT MYCOPY [3 Jobs Canceled]
- Cancel a plotter request.
@CANCEL PLOT 94 [1 Job Canceled]
- Cancel a mount request for a structure or a tape set.
@CANCEL MOUNT 24 [1 mount request canceled]
- Find out what requests are in the mount queue. Cancel your structure
mount request.
@INFORMATION MOUNT-REQUESTS Tape/Disk Mount Queue: Volume Status Type Write Req Name Req# Job# User ------- ------- ---- ------- -------- ---- ---- ---------- MARK MTA1 Tape Enabled MARK 126 60 HOVSEPIAN TAPE MTA3 Tape Enabled TAPE 148 13 WALLACE LATB Waiting Disk LATB 157 65 LATTA There are 3 Requests in the Queue @CANCEL MOUNT 157 [1 mount request canceled]
- Find out what requests are in the mount queue. Cancel a mount request
that has not yet been filled, and dismount a tape that has been mounted.
@INFORMATION MOUNT-REQUESTS Tape/Disk Mount Queue: Volume Status Type Write Req Name Req# Job# User ------- ------- ---- ------- -------- ---- ---- ---------- MARK MTA1 Tape Enabled MARK 29 15 HOVSEPIAN DBL02 MTA0 Tape Enabled LAT 31 24 LATTA NCV19 Waiting Tape Enabled NCV 32 24 LATTA There are 3 Requests in the Queue @CANCEL MOUNT 32 [1 mount request canceled] @DISMOUNT TAPE LAT: [Tape dismounted, logical name LAT: deleted]
- Cancel a remote print request.
@CANCEL PRINT SUM7/DESTINATION-NODE::LEZAH [1 print request canceled]